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PAGE PAGE 13 New words Unit 4 TEXT A era n. [C] a period of time in history that is known for a particular event, or for particular qualities 时代; 年代 We are living in the information era. 我们生活在信息时代。 The invention of television and space rockets has opened a new era for mankind. 电视和航空火箭的发明为人类开启了一个新时代。 victim n. [C] sb. who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered 受害者;牺牲者 The local government is raising money to help the victims of the earthquake. 当地政府正在筹资帮助地震受害者。 survivor n. [C] sb. who continues to live after an accident, war, or illness 生还者;幸存者 The police are searching for survivors of the plane crash. 警方正在搜寻飞机失事的幸存者。 tragedy n. [C, U] a very sad event that shocks people because it involves death 悲剧性事件;惨剧;惨案Life tragedies can drive people into great grief and sometimes even lead to depression. 生活中的悲剧会使人极度悲痛,有时甚至会导致抑郁。 [C] a serious play or book that ends sadly, esp. with the death of the main character 悲剧(作品) Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’ s best-known tragedies.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚最为著名的悲剧之一。 subsequent a. (fml.) happening or coming after sth. else 随后的;继…之后的 Fires and floods subsequent to an earthquake often cause greater damage. 地震后继发的火灾和洪水往往会造成更大的破坏。 These skills were passed on to subsequent generations. 这些技能被一代代传了下去。 associate n. [C] sb. who you work or do business with 同事;(生意)伙伴 He is not a friend but an associate; we work in the same department. 他不是朋友,只是同事,我们在同一部门工作。 vt. make a connection in your mind between one thing or person and another 联 想 ; 联 系 Nowadays, most people associate this brand with good quality. 如今,大多数人将这一品牌与高品质联系起来。 congress n. [C] the group of people chosen or elected to make the laws in some countries 国会;议会 congresswoman n. [C] a woman who is a member of a congress, esp. the US House of Representatives 国会女议员 (尤指美国众议员) tender a. gentle and careful in a way that shows love 温柔的;体贴入微的;慈爱的 The singer’s deep and tender voice is perfect for this music. 这位歌手深沉而温柔的嗓音正适合这段音乐。 sympathy n. [pl., U] the feeling of being sorry for sb. who is in a bad



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