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万方数据 万方数据 《傲慢与偏见》的婚姻观研究 摘要 简·奥斯汀,作为英国 18 世纪最著名的现实主义女作家之一,她的作品向来以 主题鲜明,描写细腻著称。在《傲慢与偏见》这部小说里,简·奥斯汀描写了四 对年轻人的婚姻类型,他们分别是:以人品为基础建构的婚姻,以真爱为基础建 构的婚姻,以生理冲动为基础建构的婚姻以及以纯粹物质为基础建构的婚姻。读 者仔细阅读不难发现,这四桩婚姻都离不开一定的物质基础。 本文包括四章内容。在第一章,作者研究了简与宾利的婚姻以及伊丽莎白与 达西的婚姻,这两桩婚姻都是以幸福美好的结果结束;第二章比较了夏洛特与柯 林斯的婚姻及莉迪亚与维克汉姆的婚姻,这是作者定义的悲剧性的两桩婚姻;第 三章阐释幸福婚姻与悲剧婚姻建构的三种理论;最后作者在以上四对婚姻对比研 究的基础上,提出了一桩理想婚姻的建构条件。在第四章作者提出理想的婚姻需 要基本的经济基础和伴侣双方的内在和谐。 《傲慢与偏见》一文中的爱情观及婚姻观启发人们要慎重考虑现实婚姻的结 合。爱情是理想婚姻存在的前提,也是最重要的因素,但是,缺乏物质基础的婚 姻是不明智的,也是不稳定的。最后,本文指出人们在现实婚姻的选择上一定要 保持理性的态度,双方既要有真爱作为婚姻的基础,同样,物质条件的考虑也是 非常必要的,因而,幸福稳定婚姻绝不是生理冲动的结合,也不是以其它不纯动 机为目的结合。 关键词:婚姻观;现实婚姻;理想婚姻;婚姻基础 IV A Study of Marriage Outlook in Pride and Prejudice ABSTRACT Jane Austen, as one of England’s foremost realistic female novelists, her works are characterized by a fondness for detailed descriptions and clear themes. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen depicts four pairs of young people’s marriage, which are respectively established on virtues, true love, sex impulse and money. Nevertheless, if readers read it more carefully, they will discover a fact that each marriage pattern is backed by some fortune. The thesis includes four chapters. In Chapter One, it studies the marriage of Jane and Mr. Bingley and marriage of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. The two marriages are regarded as the happiest marriage patterns in people’s eyes ; Chapter Two compares the marriage of Charlotte and Mr. Collins and marriage of Lydia and Mr. Wickham, which are usually diagnosed to be tragic marriages in the author’s opinion ; the third Chapter introduces the marriage construction theories, which will explain the different endings and reasons of the happy marriage and tragic marriage in Pride and Prejudice. In the final Chapter, the author brings forward the foundation of an ideal marriage. An deal marriage should be featured by true love and money. The viewpoint of love and marriage in Pride and Prejudice inspires people to reflect on the combination of realistic marriage. True love is the prer



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