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网易严选与WAVEMAKER联合呈现 中国品质生活白皮书 QUALITY OF LIFE IN CHINA BROUGHT TO YOU BY NETEASE YANXUAN & WAVEMAKER 2018.05 我们为何关注“品质⽣活”? 关于品质的探讨在市场营销领域屡⻅不鲜,品质⼀词似乎消费者和品牌都关切。起先,更多的探讨聚焦在物质 商品的品质上,即如何让消费者感知到品牌或产品的品质感。随着⽣活⽔平的提升,“品质⽣活”成了近些年⼈们 ⽣活的主⾊调之⼀。固然,品质⽣活并不是⼀个简单的概念,⽽是⼀种⽣活状态和态度。我们的研究还发现, 当下中国消费者关于品质⽣活的感知更多来源于对极致⽣活追求的⼀种愿景。欲了解品质⽣活之于中国城市消 费者的意义,⼈们对物质与精神层⾯富⾜的期盼,以及消费者如何感知和判断品质,敬请阅读下⽂。请注意, 引言 本次研究结论仅代表参与调研的1-3线城市的主流声⾳,即23-50岁受访者的观点。 PREFACE Why are we discussing “quality of life”? Both the consumers and brands seem to be highly concerned with seeking out quality. Historically, marketers in China have been more focused on the quality of products, specifically how to make consumers more aware of the quality of their brands or merchandise. With improved living standards, in recent years discussing “quality of life” has become a dominant tone in people's lives. Admittedly, quality of life is not just a simple concept, but an evolving symbol of a successful lifestyle. In our research, we find that Chinese consumer’s sense of quality of life mostly originates from the prospect of pursuing extremely refined living. Please read on for more information about the meaning of quality of life to consumers, the expectations people hold for their material and spiritual aspects and how consumers sense and judge quality. Note to the reader, the conclusions drawn in this research are only a sketch of the mainstream voices in Tier 1 to Tier 3 cities of those who took part in the journey (from respondents aged between 23 to 50 years old). 柳晓刚 Xiaogang Liu


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