基于模糊逻辑的无线传感器网络移动节点定位算法分析与应用-analysis and application of mobile node location algorithm in wireless sensor network based on fuzzy logic.docx

基于模糊逻辑的无线传感器网络移动节点定位算法分析与应用-analysis and application of mobile node location algorithm in wireless sensor network based on fuzzy logic.docx

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基于模糊逻辑的无线传感器网络移动节点定位算法分析与应用-analysis and application of mobile node location algorithm in wireless sensor network based on fuzzy logic

摘要近几年来,传感器技术因其潜在的巨大应用价值,受到了世界各国的关注,在人 们的日常生活以及社会生产活动等领域发挥了重要的价值作用。传感器技术主要功能 就是获取特定区域中的数据,而没有节点位置的数据是不具有有效性的,所以节点定 位是目前无线传感器网络所要研究的关键性问题之一。本文的主要研究内容如下:(1)简要概述无线传感器网络,列举出了目前无线传感器网络中所需解决的几 个关键性问题,然后分析了关于无线传感器网络节点定位的各种定位算法,并且侧重 分析了各个算法的优点缺点。(2)在节点定位问题中,测距技术起到了关键作用,本文在第四章介绍了常见 的四种测距技术。另外,针对基于链路质量(LQI)的测距技术,做了多次实验研究, 采集了大量的实验数据,通过运用曲线拟合的数学方法得到了链路质量(LQI)与节 点距离之间的关系。通过不同的验证方法,可以看出该方法的测距误差不超过 20%。(3)针对传感器节点在移动定位方面的需求,提出了基于模糊逻辑方法的无线 传感器网络移动节点定位算法。在该算法中,通过设计模糊控制器,模糊化传感器节 点的输入信息,采用特定的去模糊化方法后,输出修正的信息数据,然后参与节点定 位的计算。实验数据表明,该方法有很好的应用价值。(4)在监狱定位系统中,采用基于模糊逻辑的节点定位方法进行定位,来监测 犯人的行踪,也更好地对监狱犯人有效地智能化管理。关键字: 无线传感器网络移动节点模糊逻辑节点定位定位精度AbstractIn recent years,sensor technology is attached great importance to countries all over the world increasingly, due to its immense value for potential application. It plays an important role in mankind’s daily life and social productive activity. As sensor technology’s functionality includes obtaining the information in any particular region. The data which is sent by nodes without location information is invalid. Therefore, Node localization becomes one of the key issues of wireless sensor networks.In this thesis, the main research contents include:The first chapter is the overview about wireless sensor network and enumerates the key issues of wireless sensor network. And then the common positioning algorithms of wireless sensors network node are introduced, paper shows out the advantages and disadvantages. Besides, some application results are introduced.At the issue of the node location, Ranging Technology plays a rule role. the fourth chapter introduces four common ranging technology. Besides, according to the ranging technology based on LQI, the paper has taken lots of experiments to obtain the data, in order to find out the numerical relationship of LQI and distance between two nodes via the method of curve fitting. The experiments showed that the ranging error of the ranging technology based on LQI is less than 20 percent.According to the demand of wi



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