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* * 附件5:到会服务 Annex5: Outdoor Catering ? 外卖准备 Preparation of outdoor service 为客人提供菜单时,若客人无特殊要求,则不提供生食的高风险食品。 When preparing menu to guests, hotel must not list any raw and high risk foods on the menu, unless guests raise special requests. 由行政总厨、餐饮部经理、卫生专员、宴会经理和管事部经理组成的团队对外卖现场,进行考察并讨论确定外卖方案 The team, which is composed of executive chef, FB manager, hygienist, banquet manager and steward manager, must conduct an on-site survey and define a off-service plan.。 外卖设施要求 Facility requirement on outdoor service 场地设施 Facility provided by outdoor service venue 现场应提供单一用途的入口处,确保食品、设施和垃圾从不同的入口处进入宴会场所。 Only one single purpose entrance is allowed to set for in the outdoor service venue. This is to ensure that food, facility and waste materials enter the venue from different entrances. 对现场的地面残留的污物进行彻底清洁,然后喷洒消毒液进行消毒。 Thoroughly clean the ground area where outdoor service will be provided to remove soil and dirty. Spray with sanitizer after cleaning. 设立保护设施来区分食品、设备和废物的存放区域,避免造成人为的交叉污染。 Set up protective facilities to separate the storage areas for food, equipment and waste materials, so as to avoid cross contamination caused by food handlers. 场地供水、排水设施(适用于需现场加工的大型外卖服务) Water supply drain system applicable to large outdoor services which requires on-site processing 提供数量充足的水池并安装引水管,提供的可饮用水。 Sufficient quantity of sinks with extension pipes and portable water must be available at the venue. 如果有条件,给有需要的水池供应热水。 If condition permits, provide hot water connected to those sinks that hot water are needed in operation. 必须安装三清水池,有管道通到排水系统或排水池内。 Three-compartment sink must be installed. Sink drain pipe must be connected to drainage system or drain water pond. 对于洗涤蔬菜应单独提供水池做出标识加以区分。 Assign a designated sink to wash vegetable only. Place signage on the sink. 设有一个大型三清池用于清洗大型厨具。 Set a big three-compartment sink to wash big cooking ware or kitchen utensil. 酒吧在单独区域,应设立独立的供水排水系统。 Bar must be set in a separate area with separate water supply and drainage system. 有合适的管道安装排水系统。 Suitable pipe must be avai



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