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The Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and Western Idioms Yu Hui Guo Yachan Xing Rongrong Jia Hongli Contents Introduction The source of English idioms Features of Idioms Differences New Words idiom [idiəm] 习语 maritime [mæritaim] 海事 cobblers [kɔbləs] 胡说 臭皮匠 Buddhism [budizəm] 佛教 Christianity [,kristiænəti] 基督教 individualism [,individjuəlizəm] 个人主义 collectivism [kəlektivizəm] 集体主义 benevolent [binevələnt] 仁慈的 despicable [despikəbl] 卑贱 New Words pejorative [pi:dʒərətive] 轻蔑语 auspicious [ɔ:spiʃəs] 吉利,喜庆 posterior [pɔstiəriə] 后路 authoritarian [ɔ:,θɔritεəriən] 独裁主义者 entangle [intæŋɡl] 缠住 derogatory sense [dirɔɡətəri] 贬义 swine [swain] 卑贱的人 aristocracy [,æristɔkrəsi] 贵族 gladiator [ɡlædieitə] 格斗士 Part One Introduction 1.Definition Idiom generally refers to the phrases with a specific form that are commonly used together. Its inherent significance often cant be speculated from the meaning of the component words. Idioms usually include phrase, folk adage (俗语), motto, two-part allegorical saying (歇后语), slang (俚语)and jargon (行话), etc. e.g. 1. Love me, love my dog   爱屋及乌 2. rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙 3. white night 不眠之夜 4. A slow sparrow should make an early start. 笨鸟先飞 5. spare no effort; go all out; do ones best 不遗余力 6. No discord, no concord. 不打不成交 2. Why to learn idioms? the most active component in English vocabulary basic tools reflects a nation’s specific cultural customs cultural connotation Different idioms contain different meanings, which may form obstacles to our communication.   Part Two The source of English idioms 2.1 From Historical st


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