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学龄前儿童早教机系列产品设计 摘要 “巧虎”早教产品不例外对-8岁婴幼儿,儿歌游戏体验册,早教玩具等。巧虎”目标用户通过关键词引流到特定的,以免费体验商品用户注册,从而获得目标用户的信息考核的目标是注册量和注册成本。 “巧虎”早教产品例“巧虎”的产品百度关键词竞价广告中投放方案,优化方案实施效果评估竞价广告的分析用户搜索行为的分析,行业分析,巧虎”早教产品的分析,竞争对手的分析投放中的问题,从搭建,选择,方面着陆,分配竞争对手策略等维度进行巧虎”早教产品投放方案的设计对方案, 关键词:早教产品词广告设计与实施百度,巧虎 Abstract With the rapid development of Internet and fast growth of netizens, Internet Marketing becomes more and more popular. And Search Engine Marketing becomes more and more important. Baidu PPC Advertising is based on pay per click. No matter pursuing for effect or brand exposure, Baidu PPC Advertising is one of the highest cost-effective ways of Search Engine Marketing. Besides, with Chinese economy growing rapidly and two-child policy releasing, demand for early education is increasing. Competition also becomes severer. Some early education enterprises or institutions spend the money on search engine marketing. And Baidu PPC advertising is preferred. “Specially Tiger” is no exception. “Specially Tiger”, Benesse Corporation (China) Co. Ltd’s early education product for children aged 0-8 years, such as nursery rhyme DVD, game experience book and dolls. The implement of “Specially Tiger” in Baidu PPC Advertising is for effect. KPI includes Registration and CPA. Target users search for relevant keywords, then enter the specific page by clicking ads. Advertiser attract users by free product experience. Remarketing is underway when users register for free product experience. This thesis discusses about how to design a proposal for early education product like “Specially Tiger”, and the implement and effect assessment. Based on the summary on Search Engine Marketing theory, analysis on Baidu PPC Advertising, users’ search behavior, early education industry, “Specially Tiger” early education product, competitors and issues while implementing, we can draw a proposal of PPC Advertising for PPC from the aspects of account’s structure, keywords, ranking, copies, landing page, budget and competitors for relevant


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