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摘 要 杂志(Magazine)一词,源自法文Magasin,本意是仓库。“杂志”这个词第一次被用以称为刊物,是1731年伦敦出版的《绅士杂志》。后来正式被沿用为杂志的通称。最初,杂志和报纸的形式差不多,极易混淆。后来,报纸逐渐趋向于刊载有时间性的新闻,杂志则专刊小说、游记和娱乐性文章,在内容的区别上越来越明显。在形式上,报纸的版面越来越大,为3—5英尺,对折;而杂志则经装订,加封面,成了书的形式。此后,杂志和报纸在人们的观念中,才具体地分开。 杂志发展至今,已经深入到我们生活中的点点滴滴,不同的兴趣爱好背后就会有相对应的精美杂志,这其中,杂志封面设计的重要性自然也就不言而喻了。 杂志的印刷出版的方式有平板胶印,丝印,以及凹印。色彩鲜艳,图文清晰,一些高质量的杂志往往能够让人欲罢不能。 杂志封面设计运用的主要软件有我们常见的PS,FREEHAND等。这些图文信息处理软件很大程度上改变了图文原有的属性,以达到更好的艺术效果。 关键词:杂志;杂志封面设计; PS Abstract Magazine (Magazine) the term derived from the French Magasin, was intended to warehouse. Journal the word the first time it is used is called a publication, is published in London in 1731 the gentleman magazine. Official was later used for the magazine is known. Initially, almost in the form of magazines and newspapers, very confusing. Later, newspapers published time-more news, special issue of journal of fiction, travel and entertainment articles, increasingly evident on the difference in content. In form, growing newspaper layout, 3-5 feet, fold; And magazines binding, cover page into book form. Since then, magazines and newspapers in the mindset of the people, specifically separated. Nowadays, magazine has come to our life time. That correspond to different hobbies and interests are behind beautiful magazine, Some of these magazines cover pages is fine, some literary significant, various application methods are designed to attract peoples eyeballs, Naturally it goes without saying that the importance of magazine cover design. Magazine publishing and printing plate offset printing, silk screen printing and gravure printing. Colorful, graphic clarity, quality magazines tend to be people Bewitched. Magazine cover design of the use of the main software is our common PS,FREEHAND. These graphic processing software to a large extent change the graphic properties of the original in order to achieve better artistic effects. Key words: Magazine; Magazine cover design; PS 目 录 第一章 杂志封面的版面设计 1 1.1杂志封面构图的设计 1 1.2 杂志封面版面的设计 1 1.2.1封面颜色的


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