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1、 我校师生就是否应该举办元旦文艺汇演活动有不同的看法。请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍情况。 大部分同学们认为 大部分老师们认为 1.作业繁重,丰富课余生活,缓解学习压力 2. 培养学生各方面能力 3. 赢得他人尊重;是一次难忘的经历? 1.浪费时间,影响学业 2.节目有限,表演的人数少 3.组织体育活动,更多同学参与 你的观点 注意:1.文章的开头已给出; ????? 2.词数:120词左右(不包括已给的起始句); ????? 3.参考词汇:丰富 enrich The teachers and students in our school have different opinions about whether it is necessary to hold a party to celebrate the Near Year. __________________________________________________ The teachers and students in our school have different opinions about whether it is necessary to hold a party to celebrate the Near Year. ????? Most students think that as we students have too heavy homework, it can enrich our school life and relieve our pressure. In addition, by doing so, students’ abilities can be developed. It is an unforgettable experience for us and also a good chance to earn respect from others. ????? But some teachers argue that it is a waste of time to rehearse, thus having a bad effect on students’ study. Besides, there will not be too many programmes and only a limited number of students can get on stage. Instead, we can organize some sports activities for more students to take part in. ????? In my opinion,… 2、 目前,科技的发展如此之快已超出了我们的想象,克隆技术成为世界上最先进的技术之一。针对这一技术,有人持肯定的态度,有人反对。根据下面的表格,写一篇文章,并阐发自己的态度和看法。 支持 反对 你的看法? 1.制造出一些有价值的器官来挽救人类的生命。 1.克隆是对人生命的不尊重。 ? 2.治愈类似于癌症之类的顽症。 2.干涉自然,人类的生命将不再是唯一的。 3.帮助那些不能生育的拥有属于自己的孩子。 3.在动物界创造出更多的疾病。 4.帮助那些想克隆自己去世的孩子的人。 4.使地球人口激增。 注意: 1.对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2.词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. ________________________________________________ Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. Cloning is one of the more advanced technologies. Is it good or bad? Different people have different opinions. ????? Some people think we can benefit from it. Firstly, it can be used to produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to cure diseases like cancer. Secondly, it can be used to help those who are unable to have a



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