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2011 4 文 化 艺 术 研 究 Apr. , 2011 4 2 Stu ies in Culture & Art Vol4 No2 : ( 2011) 对二女争子故事起源和演变之推测 芦 笛 ( , 210095) : 对中国古籍中涉及二女争子类型的故事加以比较和考索, 推测其极有可 源于印度佛 经和西方 圣经 中的相关故事这些故事在中国流传的过程中, 往往被加入本土化的因 素, 因此得以流传甚广, 而且有窜入正史的可 同时, 以二女争子故事为创作原型的元杂 剧 包待制智赚灰阑记 在中国清朝末期之后还屡为欧洲学者或作家所介译或改编, 由此也 可令人感受到世界在文化上的相互融合和发展过程 : 二女争子; 圣经; 佛经; 风俗通义; 灰阑记 : I003 : A Speculation on Origin and Evolvement of Stories about Two Women Scrambling for a Boy as Their Own Son Lu Di Abstract: With the comparison of an textual research on the ifferent stories about two women scram bling for a boy as their own son, which are recor e in Chinese ancient works, this paper argues that the storieswere probably erive from correlative ones in In ian sutra an the Bible. Some local factors are often a e into the stories when they gra ually sprea in China, as a result of which they become wi esprea an get the possibility of entering official historical works. Meanwhile, the rama The Chalk Circle, which was written in the Yuan ynasty, has taken the prototype from the story. It has been trans late or a apte by European scholars an writers repeate ly since the en of the Qing Dynasty, from which people can sense the fusion an evelopment of worl cultures. Key words: two women scrambling for a boy astheir own son; The Bible; Bu hist sutra; Popular Tra itions an Customs; The Chalk Circle , , 20 , : : ( 1986 ) , , , , 2 :


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