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PAGE   PAGE 39  PAGE 1 摘 要 随着计算机科学的发展,数据库技术在Internet 中的应用越来越广泛,为广大网络用户提供了更加周到和人性化的服务。个性化已逐渐成为当今Web应用的潮流。 随着人们现在工作的压力,尤其是技术开发人员,作为知识的汲取者,能在很短的时间内找到需要的书是非常令人愉悦的,然而面对繁忙的工作,去书店购买迫切需要的图书是有点困难的,这既耽误了工作的时间,又带来的许多麻烦,诸如查寻速度慢等问题;另外现实书店需要占用大量空间,这无疑增加了图书的销售成本,本系统针对这些问题应运而生,目的就是为了方便人们的生活,使人们足不出户,便可以享受到方便,安全的购书环境,另外由于网上的销售减少了空间的占用,因而降低了图书的销售开销,这对于购书的人们也是非常心悦的。 本文中的网上书店系统,结合JSP、Eclipse与MySQL共同开发而成,基于Struts和Hibernate框架实现,具有用户使用更简单、界面更直观等优点,设计并实现用户管理、书籍管理、订单管理、结帐管理等功能。Struts框架是本系统的核心,它利用ActionForm Bean来进行视图组建和控制器组件之间表单数据的传送。而Hibernate框架实现了数据处理层的业务逻辑和数据逻辑的分离。这是该系统的两大亮点。 关键词:JSP;Eclipse;MySQL;Struts;Hibernate Abstract Along with the development of the computer science, the database technique is more and more extensive in the application in the Internet, providing the more thoughtful and humanized service for the large network customer.Characteristic have already become gradually the current as the application of Wed nowadays. The on-line bookstore system is very exciting for the people who are hard-study,especially for the technology developers.As the complicated work,it is no idea to go to bookstore in the life,because it wastes many work time,what’s more,it is not convenient,such as searching for a book;And bookstore in our life also need much space,it is no doubt adding the books’prices,so this system was developed to solve those problems,it aims to make the people’s life more convenient,and make people enjoy convenient and safty shopping environment,and it reduces the sale space,so it also reduces the books’prices,it is very happy for customers. This paper studied a kind of project called on-line BookStore system which composed of JSP Eclipse and MySQL,based in Struts and Hibernate frames,this project have the advantage of making customers use more simple and reflect them more obviously meticulous and so on.Designment and accompolished with user managerment,book management,order management,charge management and so on.Struts is the core of this system,it conveys the dat


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