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导购平台微信营销方案的设计与实施 摘 要 现今社交网络发展迅猛,由此诞生出的网络营销新模式成为与用户距离最近、互动性最强的模式之一。利用微信这一社交网络作为营销推广的手段不仅仅是某一类平台或产品需采用的方式,其强大的普适性有其应用研究的价值。其背后产生的巨大的经济价值和推广链条逐渐完善成自身的网络营销系统。通过对不同平台和产品自身特点的结合,微信公共平台将一个个账号形象化,拟人化,具有更强更及时的用户反馈,真正做到拉近用户距离。 本文通过对“极客海淘”微信公众账号平台的方案设计,推广实施,结果数据分析以验证微信营销方案对导购平台用户增长的可行性。同时通过方案实施,分析实施过程中可能遇到的问题与风险。通过数据验证和说明风险影响产生的后果,和整体方案实施的结果。并在整个微信营销的方案中逐渐完善成,整理出一套微信营销方案系统。并在文内阐述微信营销如何一个独立的系统加入到整合营销方案中。最终通过数据验证,证明了本营销方案达到了提升用户数量,增加用户粘性,为导购平台带来更多流量,并佐证这一微信营销方案同样适用其他导购网站微信营销账号。 导购平台微信公众账号开启后,为提高“极客海淘”公众账号用户数,用户活跃度,连带网站流量增长起到直接作用。 关键词:微信、导购平台、 Abstract The rapid development of social networks today, was born out of the new model of network marketing has become the closest to the user, one of the most interactive mode. The use of WeChat social networking as a marketing tool is not just a certain type of platform or products to be used in the way, it has a powerful universal value of its applied research. Behind the enormous economic value chain and to promote the gradual improvement into their own network marketing system. By combining different platforms and products of their own characteristics, WeChat public platform to visualize one account, anthropomorphic, with a stronger and more timely user feedback, really narrow the distance between users. Based on the "Jike HaiTao" WeChat public account platform design, promote the implementation of the results of data analysis in order to verify the feasibility of WeChat marketing solutions for shopping guide platform subscriber growth. Through implementation of the program at the same time, to analyze problems and risks that may be encountered in the implementation process. Consequences generated by the data validation and illustrate the impact of risk, and overall program implementation results. And the entire WeChat marketing program to gradually improve, finishing a set of WeChat marketing program systems. And explains how an independent WeChat marketing system added to integrated marketing programs in the text. Ultimately



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