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4 2010 1 20 10 1 Chin J In fect C hem ot h er, Jan1 2010, V ol1 10, N o1 1 # # CD4 H IV 孙建军, 王江蓉, 卢洪洲, 郑毓芳, 张仁芳, 刘 莉, 齐唐凯 : CD4 [ 2 00/ LL 2 00~ 3 50/ LL H IV , ST A T A 7. 0 109 , CD4 [ 20 0/ LL 78 , 20 0~ 3 50/LL 3 1 CD4 HI V , 1 , : ; ; ; CD4 : R372 : A : 100 9- 7 708( 2 010 01- 00 04-04 Efficacy of HAART in antiretroviral-naÇve patients analyzed by baseline CD4 cell counts S UN J ian-j un, WA N G J i ang-r ong , L U H ong-z hou , ZH E N G Yu-f ang , ZH A N G Ren-f ang , L I U L i , QI T ang-k ai ( D ep art ment of I nf ect ious D isease, Shang ha i P ubl ic H ealt h Cl in ic al Ce nt er , S hang hai 201508, Chi na) Abstract: Objective T o analyze t he eff icacy and adv er se ev ents in antiretr ov iral- naÇve patients by baseline CD4 cell co unt ( [ 20 0/ LL versu s 2 00- 350/ LL , w ho w ere receiv ing cur rent f irst- line antir etro vir al reg imen o f zidov udine, lamivudine and ef av ire- nz . Met ods T he clinical data o f o ut- patients w er e r etro spectiv ely collected in Shang hai Public Health Clinical Center , and ana- ly zed w ith ST AT A ( versio n 7 . 0 st atistical softw ar e packag e. Results A total o f 109 clinical cases w ere co llected, including 78 cases in g roup A w it h baseline CD4 [ 20 0/ LL and 31 cases in g ro up B w it h baseline CD4 of 20 0- 3 50/ LL . No statist ically signif- icant diff er ence w as fo und betw een g ro up A and gr oup B in ter m s of g ender, ag e, o r ro ute of transmission . T he incr ease of CD4 cell count and incidence o f adver se events after H


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