菜谱-做饭(Recipe - Cooking).doc

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菜谱-做饭(Recipe - Cooking)

菜谱-做饭(Recipe - Cooking) Cooking is very simple [1.] beef fried beef slices of wine, pepper, salt, starch, a little cooking oil grasping uniform marinate for 15 minutes; 2. green peppers cut, cut onions, yellow pepper chopped, pickled ginger slices, garlic and ginger cemmi; 3. of the beef into the pot hot oil after the rapid slide color Sheng pan; 4. oil, saute ginger and garlic, pepper and rice pickled ginger until fragrant, green pepper, salt and stir fry 5. adjustable; pour beef stir fry, adjusting soy sauce, chicken powder, stir fry scallion. [DIY] steamed spareribs 1. millet millet soaked for three hours; 2. ribs soak in water for thirty minutes, remove the blood; 3. add 3 grams of sugar, 5 grams of salt, soy sauce 20 grams, 10 grams of cooking wine, oyster sauce 10 grams, 15 grams of chili sauce; 4. for 2 hours then; 5. ribs joined millet stir. 6. potato slices into the bottom of the container; and then poured into the millet 7. ribs, cage steam for 40 minutes. [DIY] to 1. feet braised chicken feet nails, Cheuk fish out of water; 2. fried sugar, fried chicken to yellowish; 3. onion ginger aniseed red pepper stir flavor; 4. soy sauce soy sauce 1:1, a bowl of rice wine. Boil; 5. salt, thirteen spice, boiled; 6. small simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes the fire sauce. Pan put MSG flavor. [1.] Gudan beef fried beef slices, add marinade (soy sauce, ginger juice, wine, sugar, starch, peanut oil) mix, picked up after the global tender, stand-by, beat the egg, add salt and mix well; 2. oil bubble after beef into the egg; 3. will burn to very hot wok, add oil, heat, add the egg, with the fire and stir to sprinkle spring onion egg freezing, mix well, can be on the table. [DIY] 1. yuan pearl son ahead of glutinous rice washed soaked overnight, remove and drain; 2. pork with salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, oil, starch, quail egg whipped up in one direction. Add onion ginger, lotus at the end of 3. meat stuffing mix well; pinch into ball; 4. balls of glutinous rice wrapped



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