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高三英语知识点综合训练2 高三英语知识点综合训练2 except for: 指不同类别的事情或性质不同的事情,或表示某人/物 在总体上是好的,只是其中的某个细节或某个环节不尽人意 eg. ⑴Except for Li Ming, they are all workers. 除了李明之外,他们都是工人 ⑵Everybody except John was able to answer the question. 除了约翰之外,每个人都回答出了问题 ⑶The room is empty except for a broken chair. (前后的名词不同类) 这个房间空空的,只不过有把破椅子 ⑷I know nothing about him except that he is from Japan. 我对他一无所知,只是知道他来自日本 ⑸She goes to school by bike except when it rains. 她骑自行车去上学,除了下雨时不骑 ⑹He could do nothing except walk home.(except前若有实义动词do,则后面接不带to的不定式) 他只好走着回家了 =He had no choice but to walk home.( except前若没有实义动词do,则后面接带to的不定式) 高考题例: I know nothing about the young lady ________ she is from Beijing. (2000上海高考) A. except B. except for C. except that D.besides 分析: except for与except that同义,但except for后不能接句子,后句she is from Beijing是一个完整的陈述句,故用except that连接,that不作成分。 答案:C *besides: (prep.) 除…之外还有,常与also, else, other等词连用。如: ⑴Besides tennis, he also plays basketball and football. 除了网球之外,他还打篮球和踢足球。 ⑵I have three other dictionaries besides this one. 除了这本词典,我还有三本别的词典。 *besides: (adv.) 此外,而且 ⑴I havent time to see the film-----besides, its had dreadful reviews. 我没有时间去看这部影片,再说,影评也诸多贬斥。 ⑵I am too busy to go for a walk; besides, it is late. 我太忙不去散步了,而且时候已晚了。 13. with的复合结构 :常在句中作状语,表示伴随动作、行为方式及原因、条件或结果等情况。 with + 宾语 +prep./adj./ adv./ doing/ to do(表示要执行的动作)/done(表示动作的完成及被动) ⑴She often sleeps with the window open. (adj.) 她经常开着窗户睡觉。 ⑵He came in with a book in his hand. (prep.) 他手里拿着本书进来了 ⑶She felt scared with so many people looking at her. (doing) 这么多人看着她,她感到害怕。 ⑷He was brought in with his hands tied back.. (done) 他双手绑在身后被带了进来 ⑸With everything bought, he left the market. (done) 买完了所需要的东西之后,他离开了市场 ⑹The king came in, with all his servants following him. (doing) 国王进来了,身后跟着所有的仆人。 ⑺With nothing to do, he went out for a walk . 由于没有什么事情可做,他便到外面散步 ⑻He left his room with the light on. (adv.) 他离开了房间,灯亮着 高考题例1: With a lot of diffi


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