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* Summer is prime wedding season, which means it’s also prime honeymoon season. And just as weddings can take a variety of forms – from quick-and-dirty city hall ceremonies to opulent events that’d put William and Kate to shame – there are various honeymoons you can take to help you celebrate (and recover from) your wedding day. 夏季是个结婚旺季,也是个度蜜月的旺季。从市政厅简单快捷的仪式,到足以令英国王子威廉和王妃凯特相形见绌的奢华典礼,婚礼的形式五花八门。同样的,全球有各种各样的蜜月胜地可供你庆祝新婚,并从紧张忙碌的婚礼中缓过神来。 1. Tahiti 塔西提岛 Famous for its crystal-clear waters, overwater bungalows, and hefty price tag (the airfare alone will likely run $3,000 to $5000 per couple), this South Pacific paradise is the epitome of the (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime indulgence honeymoons represent. If you and your new spouse are active vacationers, Tahiti’s for you; the nearby island of Moorea is a fantastic diving spot. If it’s delicious food you wish to dive into, Tahiti is also for you; local establishments offer a variety of American and Asian cuisines. Where to stay: The InterContinental Resort Tahiti 塔西提岛(Tahiti),又译大溪地,因晶莹透彻的海水、建于水上的房屋以及昂贵的标价(每对夫妇仅机票就需花费3000至5000美元)而著称。这个位于南太平洋上的海岛天堂,展示着每个人一生仅有一次(但愿如此)能够尽情享受的蜜月期缩影。如果你和你的新婚伴侣都是度假爱好者,那么塔西提岛绝对是首选之地;附近的茉莉亚岛(Moorea)是个潜水的好去处。如果你希望置身美食堆中,那么塔西提岛也能满足你。当地餐饮企业会为你提供种类繁多的美洲菜和亚洲菜。 住宿推荐:洲际酒店大溪地度假村 2. Venice 威尼斯 Ah, Venice. The waterlogged Italian city’s reputation for romance is irresistible for honeymooners. Its unique architecture and world-famous art (and those gondolas!) helped make it one of the few cities we’ve seen James Bond visit three times! Tip: don’t make this a quick stopover as part of a tour. Venice needs to be experienced, so give yourselves a few days to fully enjoy it – or better yet, spend your entire honeymoon there! Where to stay: Venissa Ristorante Ostello 啊!威尼斯!这座因浪漫而享负盛名的意大利水城令蜜月夫妻难以自拔。其独特的建筑和举世闻名的艺术氛围(还有贡多拉)使其成为詹姆士?邦德(James Bond)少有踏足三次的城市之一。小贴士:别让自己成为这里的匆匆过客!威尼斯需要用心感受,花几天时间尽情享受吧——或者在那里度过你的蜜月期,这是最好不过的了! 住宿推荐:威尼斯奥斯特罗酒店 3. Santorini 圣托里尼 If the bride (or groom) fell in love with this Greek island a


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