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Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 犯罪类常考话题 青少年犯罪(juvenile delinquency=youth crime) 监狱 vs. 教育(imprisonment vs. rehabilitation) 警力佩枪(police force carrying guns) Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 * 青少年犯罪真题 The rate of juvenile delinquency has been rising. What are causes of this trend? Suggest some possible solutions to it. Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 * 青少年犯罪原因 家庭教育 (parenting) 家长没有尽到他们对家庭的责任 (parents fail to fulfill their family responsibilities),过于放纵孩子的家长(permissive parents),专制家长(authoritarian parents) 工作的家长们(working parents),事业很忙碌(have busy careers),与孩子缺乏交流(the lack of communication with their children),感到无人关心自己并且被社会抛弃(feel unloved and rejected by society). 家庭暴力(domestic violence),会导致孩子愤怒、恐惧、焦虑、孤独感,缺乏自尊(suffer from low self-esteem),不信任他人(distrust others) Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 * 青少年犯罪原因 学校教育 法制教育缺失(the lack of moral and legal education) 校园欺凌(school bullying) 学习压力大 (heavy study pressure) 同伴压力(negative peer pressure):drug abuse, teenage sex Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 * 青少年犯罪原因 社会原因 对与媒体中暴力内容的频繁接触(frequent exposure to violence in the media,互联网上的色情内容(pornographic content on the Internet) 不正确的价值观、道德观(improper outlook of life and value placed on children),例如a strong desire for material wealth and luxury lifestyle may lead teenagers to commit crimes. Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 * 青少年犯罪原因 青少年心理发展原因 容易冲动 (impulsive) 缺乏自制力(lack self-control) 辨别是非能力差 (too immature to distinguish between right and wrong) Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 * 青少年犯罪解决方法 Parenting: discipline, regulations, respect, care, supervision, right world outlook, decent values, teach children to tell right from wrong Schooling: enrich students ’ life,build up confidence,provide life planning guidance, psychological counseling Government: tighten the rules regulating violence, sexual images and offensive language in the media Society: create a safe, caring and stimulating environme


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