ABS 犊牛饲养管理培训资料.ppt

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BUT DON’T GET GREEDY..... 但是不要贪婪…… Higher growth rate (1-15 mo) associated with more services per conception as a heifer 生长速度越快,则受胎率会降低。 Heifers failing to conceive had higher growth rates 生长太快可导致不孕 Brickell et al., 2009 Theriogenology 72 408-16 Conclusions – calf heifer losses 结论- 犊牛育成牛的损失 “15% of heifers failed to reach 1st calving”“Only 42% of heifers calved 3 times” 15%育成牛不能产犊 仅有42%的育成牛可以产三胎 Record all calf heifer losses from birth, calculate the mortality rate during different stages of the rearing period 在犊牛和育成牛饲喂期,记录产犊损失和死亡率 Increase awareness - is there a problem during a particular period? 增加关注度— 在特殊时期是否存在问题? Identify the main causes – prevention for next year is key 确定主要的原因— 预防是关键 Colostrum management? 初乳的管理 Nutrition? 营养 Housing? 舍内管理 Infectious disease? 传染疾病 Accidents? 突发事件 Heifer mortality increases the cost of getting those surviving to the point of calving 育成牛的死亡率增加了其它犊牛的成本。 Conclusions – growth rate 结论— 生长速率 “BW gain ranged from 0.23 to 1.25 kg/d” 体重增加0.23-1.25Kg/d Measure the growth rate of heifers at ≥ 2 time points 监测犊牛的生长速率至少要两次。 Birth 出生 6 mo - make corrective changes before time of breeding for this group 六月龄— 配种前进行矫正 15 mo – make corrective changes to rearing regimes for next years cohort of heifers 15月龄— 修正饲喂标准 Ensure heifers do not grow too slowly but not too fast 确保育成牛即不生长过快也不生长过慢 Low (0.6 kg/d): 21% heifers – identify the main causes of poor growth: 低( (0.6 kg/d ):21%育成牛—确定发育不良 Delays first calving 延缓初次产犊 Small at first calving 初次产犊体型小于标准 High (0.9 kg/d) – reduce nutrient intake: 高(0.9 kg/d) ,降低营养摄入 Expensive 增加成本 Negatively associated with fertility? 影响繁殖 Measure growth rate establish an on-farm benchmark Take home messages 小结 Set TARGETS work towards them. 确定目标围绕目标工作 Review your REARING PRACTICES to ensure they can achieve the target. 审核实际操作流程确保能到到目标 Monitor progress – WEIGH heifers regularly. 检测过程—定时称量育成牛 Adopt a COLOSTRUM MANAGEMENT protocol that delivers the highest quality colostrum to the new-born calf. 采取标准的初乳



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