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Adaptec Inc. Cross-Enterprise Integration Agenda Who is Adaptec? TSMC Virtual Fab Customer Value Proposition Extricity Alliance Solution Extricity Positioning in SCM Solutions Business Drivers and Benefits from Alliance Adaptec’s next steps Who’s Adaptec Adaptec’s Three Business Scopes Storage Networking Solutions Fibre Channel, InfiniBand and Ethernet-based storage fabric technologies Direct Attached Storage Market leadership in the SCSI and PCI RAID controller Host-based RAID controller Software Product Group Easy CD Creator, Toast, GoBack software for CD recording, productivity and data protection markets. In June 2000, Adaptec announced it will spin off this division. Business Fundamental Adaptec’s Virtual Factory In 1997, Adaptec implemented Extricity Alliance to coordinate the production of its IC products through several contract-manufacturing partners as “fabless” semiconductor virtual factory Automate shared business processes Engineering design Demand forecast PO(SAP) design specs (PDM) Acknowledgement more request WIP update Shipment notice (TSMC-Adaptec-ASAT) TSMC Virtual Fab 晶圓代工 十多年前半導體產業皆採垂直整合策略Vertically Integrated(如IBM)。 台積電引進垂直分工的觀念。 垂直分工係指從設計、製造、組裝到測試分由不同公司處理。 Internet +垂直分工造就虛擬工廠(Virtual fab)。 設計公司不須自設昂貴之晶元工廠,如雨後春筍紛紛成立,全球一千多家,造就今日電腦、通訊…蓬勃發展。 虛擬工廠 資訊科技的發展,台積電製程透明化。 客戶透過網際網路將台積電當成自家後院之工廠。 歐美客戶(IC設計公司)在遠方靠Internet連上台積電系統下單,自動確認回覆交貨日期。 客戶可隨時掌握貨號進度、良率。 「讓客戶覺得用我們的工廠,服務更順暢,製程更透明」,台積電人說。 Customer Value Proposition Business Benefits Desired are Translated into SCM Requirements Benefits of End-to-End Value Chain Solution OEMers’ Design Process A major OEM recently announced (with public fanfare), the introduction of four new product lines. The same OEM is notified by his distributor that 16 components within these new product lines are to be discontinued because they have reached the end of their product life-cycle. What if the engineer had been notified at the start of the component selection process that the components selec



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