托福听力材料 跟着《功夫熊猫》学英文.pdf

托福听力材料 跟着《功夫熊猫》学英文.pdf

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托福听力材料 跟着《功夫熊猫》学英文

/ 托福听力材料 跟着《功夫熊猫》学英文 摘要:美国动画电影《功夫熊猫》相信大家都耳熟能详吧,殊不知其实美国大片都是练习托福听力很好 的听力材料。下面来跟着100托福小编细说《功夫熊猫》里面的那些充满哲理的经典句子吧。 To make something special, you just have to believe it s special. 想让它与众不同,你就必须先相信它的与众不同。 美国动画电影 《功夫熊猫》相信大家都耳 熟能详吧,殊不知其实美国大片都是很好的练习托福听力材料 。下面来跟着100托福小编细说《功夫熊猫》里面的那些充满哲理的经典句子吧。 To make something special, you just have to believe it s special. 想让它与众不同,你就必须先相信它的与众不同。 Why didnt you quit You know I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed. 师傅:你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought, If anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you, the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我气味难闻,这很伤我的心。 可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是现在这个样子。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变 我,能让我不再是原来的我,那就是你——中国最伟大的功夫师傅! Yes, look at this tree, I can not make it bloom and suit me, nor make it bear food before its time. 乌龟:是的,看着这棵树。我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。 But there are things we can control, I can control when the fruit will fall... And I can control what time to seed. That is not illusion, Master. 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落。我还可以控制在何处播种,那可不是幻觉 1 / 4 / ,大师。 Yes, but no matter what you do, That seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an Apple or an orange, but you will get a peach. 乌龟:不过无论你做了什么,播下的种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子 。 But peaches can not defeate Tai Long. 师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。 Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nuture it, to believe in it. 乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 There are no accidents. 命中注定(没有意外,一切早已注定)。 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoi


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