春节 the spring festival the first day of the first lunar month is the new year in the chinese lunar calendar this is the most important festival in china.pptVIP

春节 the spring festival the first day of the first lunar month is the new year in the chinese lunar calendar this is the most important festival in china.ppt

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春节 the spring festival the first day of the first lunar month is the new year in the chinese lunar calendar this is the most important festival in china

春节 The Spring Festival Legend of the spring festival The spring festival is the lunar Chinese new year. Every family sets off firecrackers and puts up couplets on their gates to usher in a happy life in the coming year. Long, long ago, there was a ferocious demon called nian. It did evil things everywhere. 传说在很早很早以前,“年”是一只很凶恶的怪兽,到处作恶。 The heavenly god locked this demon into remote mountains and only allowed him to go out once a year. Shortly after twelve months had passed, nian came out of the mountains. 天神将“年”这个怪兽锁进深山,只准它十二个月出山一次。十二个月刚过完,“年”就出山来作恶。 Gathering together, people discussed how to deal with him. Some said that nian was afraid of the red color, flames, and noises. 大家商量对付它的办法。有人说“年”怕红颜色,怕火光、怕响声。 So people put up red couplets on their gates, set off firecrackers, and kept on beating gongs and drums. The demon nian trembled with fear. 于是人们在家门口贴红门联,放鞭炮,不停地敲锣打鼓。“年”吓得发抖。 Night fell and every house was brightly lit. Nian was terrified. He fled into the mountains and didn’t dare to come out. 到了晚上,家家灯火通明。“年”吓得胆战心惊,逃回山里,再也不敢下山。 Nian was thus subdued, and the custom of celebrating the lunar new year was passed down from then. “年”被制服了。 但庆贺农历新年的习惯却流传下来,一直到现在。 春节 The Spring Festival 春联chūn lián The Spring Festival Scrolls 春节 The Spring Festival 福到 春节 The Spring Festival 年夜饭 春节 The Spring Festival 拜年 * * The first day of the first lunar month is the New Year in the Chinese lunar calendar. This is the most important festival in China. Happiness have arrived New Year’s Eve dinner New Year’s Greetings *


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