小提琴和《卡农》 .ppt

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From the late 16th century began , Cremona had bacome the world’s most famous violin making center , and the earliest violinist also appeared here . Surprisingly , until today the violins made in Cremona are still the world’s best and most expensive even the most status . when he completed the Canon 1 / 3 of the time. He was recruited into war, and in the chaos of the war, their lives are narrow escape several times, whenever the mind will think of uncomfortable when Barbara Gabler, thought she was giving piano lessons to teach that period of time is really worth the days ...... miss ah. He then completed the rest of Canon 2 / 3. Barbara Gabler suicide in the first 2 months, Pachelbel returned to the village. Him from the mouth of the villagers know Barbara Gablers story and her own to do all the post, he growled, tears. He found Barbara Gablers family, and asked where she is now buried. Her family refused to tell Pachelbel, followed by a prayer, Pachelbel recruiting their village, and Barbara Gabler Murakami all the people, he sat in front of a piano back tears, pop-up of the Canon Canon (D Major) After the bomb in the presence of all no one did not cry for. Pachelbel,德国人。在他10几岁的时候,战乱使他沦为孤儿。流浪到英国的他被英国一个小村庄的天天在教堂弹琴的琴师收养,之后他天天听那个他弹琴,耳濡目染也学会了钢琴。在他们旁边的镇上上有一个女孩子叫Barbara Gabler,家了有钱有势,Barbara Gabler也是镇上最漂亮的女孩,但自从到教堂听了Pachelbel弹的曲子,就爱上了他。 很多有钱人上门向Barbara Gabler提亲都被拒绝了,因为Barbara Gabler心里只喜欢Pachelbel。但女孩子,都比较害羞,从小被宠到大的Barbara Gabler一直不敢向Pachelbel表白,后来Barbara Gabler就找了个理由,说要去Pachelbel那里学钢琴, 她对Pachelbel说自己热爱音乐,希望可以拜师学艺。Pachelbel很高兴的收下了这个徒弟。但Barbara Gabler她的目的并不是弹琴,所以几乎不把经历花费在钢琴上,遭到了Pachelbel一再的责骂。Barbara Gabler心里委屈,但还是一直跟着Pachelbel,希望Pachelbel能明白自己的心意。 终于有一天 Pachelbel对Barbara Gabler说:“你走吧,你真的不适合弹钢琴。而且你也不喜欢钢琴。”Barbara Gabler听后,对自己说:“不要说我不行!Pachelbel。我回去一个要好好弹琴,半年后我要拿到本地的钢琴第一名的!” (在Barbara Gabler的镇上每年都会举行一次女孩钢琴大赛) 半年里,Barbara Gabler天天练习,饿了就叫家里的用人送些吃的, 困了就趴这睡一会。 半年一转眼就过去了,Barbara Gabler参加了比赛,之后果真的拿了奖。Barbara Gabler想拿这个奖杯去找Pachelb



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