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* Do you want to have your own snack bar? 你们想要拥有自己的小吃店吗? Tip: Write the name :_________’s snack bar 写上自己小吃店的名字 Step 1、Choose the popular food 选择受欢迎的食物 Step 2、Put the things in the right place 把东西放在合适的位置 Step 3、Set the nice price 设定诱人的价格 Step 1、Choose the popular food 选择受欢迎的食物 30-second Non-Stop Talking Rules: Work in groups of 4. Each student says one word about food or drinks one by one. Tips: No repeating Time: 30 seconds I’d like to sell…. 边说边勾出我要卖的食物和饮料。 They are very popular. 它们很受欢迎。 Tip: Choose the food and drinks 选出4-6种要卖的食物和饮料,像老师那样, 说一说,勾一勾。 Tip: Choose the popular food 选择受欢迎的食物 I’d like to sell…. 边说边勾出你要卖的食物和饮料。 Step 2、Put the things in the right place 把东西放在合适的位置 Ask me 问一问我东西的摆放位置吧! Ss:Where is the___________? T:They are on the table. milk cakes T:It’s in the fridge. Ss:Where are the_______? Where? 你知道什么情况下用Where is?什么情况下用Where are? Where is the …? Where are the …s? 单数、不可数名词 复数名词 四人小组接龙问答,我来帮你贴一贴。 Task: ’ S 120秒 Step 3、Set the nice price 设定诱人的价格 Guessing game How much is the…? 1、 Write down the price quickly 用水彩笔快速写下你们的物品价格 ¥___ ¥___ ¥___ ¥___ ¥___ ¥___ 2、 Guess in pairs 互相猜一猜彼此的价格 Tip: 跟着老师热情地介绍自己的小吃店 Welcome to my snack bar. The…and the… are very good. They are very cheap. The … is only …yuan. You can buy them all. * * *


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