商务翻译概论 全套课件(下).ppt

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*    买方理解卖方独家拥有所售货物的设计、专利、商标、贸易名称和公司名称(“知识产权”)。买方不拥有任何卖方的知识产权。买方既不会使用也不会在任何国家注册卖方的知识产权。买方理解未经授权使用或注册卖方的知识产权或具有迷惑性和欺诈性的类似的知识产权,都将构成对卖方独家权利的侵害。    说明:针对知识产权、商标、服务标志、贸易名称、专利和设计等侵权行为应在当事各方建立关系之始予以尽可能的防范。相对于引起的损失,现有的针对侵权行为的法律补救方法是不够的,所以建议采用损害赔偿条款。 *    TIMELY PERFORMANCE (按时履行合同条款)    PROVISION:    TIME. The patties agree that [specify, e.g., time is of the essence or timely performance of this Agreement is important, provided that if a party fails to perform on time, the parties will strive to renegotiate the terms].    合同各方同意【如:按时履行本合同是重要的,或若一方无法按时执行该合同,各方应尽力重新进行谈判】。 *    CONDITIONS PRECEDENT (先决条件条款)    PROVISION:    CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. This Agreement is subject to [specify, e.g., the issuance of an import license to the Buyer by the appropriate agency of (country) government and the issuance of an export license to the Seller by the appropriate agency of (country) government].    【国家名】政府机构向买方颁发进口许可证和【国家名】政府机构向卖方颁发出口许可证后,本合同方可生效。 说明:应在合同中写明每一项当事方履行合同义务的先决条件。如果合同依赖某些条件的发生,那么为明确意图,最好将可令合同终止的条件全部列出。 *    CANCELLATION (取消合同条款)    PROVISION:    RIGHTTOCANCEL. The Buyer has a right to cancel this Agreement if the Seller fails [specify, e.g., to ship all or any of the Goods on time]. The Seller has a right to cancel this Agreement if the Buyer fails [specify, e.g., to make any payment required by this Agreement within (number) days of its clue date]. If either party notifies the other party that it will not, or is unable to, perform this Agreement, the party receiving notice is entitled to cancel the Agreement. To make the cancellation effective, the party seeking to cancel must give notice to the other party that the Agreement is deemed canceled. The date of the cancellation will be the date on which the party receives the notice of nonperformance. *    如果卖方未能【如:按时发运全部或部分货物】,买方有权取消本合同;如果买方未能【如:在规定的(天数)天内支付合同要求的款项】,卖方有权取消本合同。如果合同的一方向对方发出将不再或无法履行合同的通知,收到通知的一方有权取消合同。为使取消合同的行为生效,寻求取消的一方应通知另一方。收到该通知之日便是合同取消之日。    说明:如果任何一方都有权取消合同,应明确写出行使该权利的基础,并要求书面通知。取消合同权条款向合同的一方提供了一种不必一定通


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