Unit7-Text A讲义.ppt

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* label  n. a piece of paper or other material, fixed to something, which gives information about what it is, where it is to go, who owns it, etc. 标签 e.g. The label on the bottle says, “Poison”. v. use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or incorrectly 描述 e.g. It was wrong for a teacher to label Tom as “unteachable”. * despair n. complete loss of hope or confidence; something that causes this feeling 绝望 e.g. Defeat after defeat filled us with despair. e.g. He is the despair of his teacher because he refuses to study. e.g. His failure in TOEFL drove him to despair. * unsurmountable (also insurmountable) too large or too difficult to be dealt with 难越过的;不能克服的 e.g. I don’t think there are any insurmountable problems in this project. e.g. Nothing is deemed insurmountable as long as it is handled with care and method. * boundary n. a legal line dividing two places; a limit of sth. 界限;边界; 范围 e.g. The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary. e.g. A stone wall marked the boundary between the two farms. * compromise n. sth. that combines qualities or elements of different things 和解;妥协 e.g. After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise . e.g. Both sides are determined to get what they want and there seems to be no possibility of compromise. * adjustment v. a slight change intended to make sth. fit or function better 调整 e.g. We made a few minor adjustments to the plan. e.g. We have to make some major adjustments to our scheme. * approximate vi. vt. be similar to but not exactly the same as something 接近;近似 e.g. Your story only approximates to the real facts. e.g. What he spent on food and clothing last year approximated to $4,000. * lose out fail to win a competition; fail to receive an expected reward or gain 失败;输掉 e.g. He didn’t want to lose out to the other salesman. e.g. They will certainly lose out on that deal. * mentality n. a part



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