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题目名称: ZY1800-1120型采煤机的液压支架设计 摘 要 本论文主要论述了液压支架的主要设计过程。其中包括:液压支架的选型、总体设计、主要零部件的设计、校核及液压系统的设计。 支架形式为掩护式支架。支架除要实现有效地对顶板进行支撑,还要实现升、降、推、移四个步骤。支架采用四连杆机构,改善支架的受力状况,缩小支架升降过程中顶梁前端前后移动的距离。立柱采用单伸缩液压缸,前端带有加长杆,以满足支架最低及最高位置时的高度要求。顶梁、掩护梁、底座都做成箱体结构,用钢板焊接而成。 液压系统采用三位四通阀进行控制,提高了移架速度,确保对顶板的及时支护。 关键词:液压支架;正四连杆;推溜 ABSTRACT The article mainly elaborates the hydraulic pressure support design for top-caving. Includes: the selection of Hydraulic pressure support form、system design、main spar part design and examination of hydraulic system design. The support form puts for the shield type. The support eliminates must realize effectively carries on the strut to the roof, but also must realize rises, to fall, to push, moves four steps. The support uses four link motion gears, improves the support the stress condition, and reduces the support to rise and fall the distance which in the process front end the top-beam around moves. The column use the list expansion and contraction hydraulic cylinder, front end has lengthens the pole, satisfies the support to be lowest and time the highest position high request. Behind the support must establish the transport aircraft in addition, transports puts goes against the coal, enhanced has produced the coal amount. The top-beam, shields Beam, the foundation all makes the packed in a box body structure, becomes with the steel plate welding. The hydraulic system uses three tubing crosses valves to carry on the control, enhanced moved a speed, the supported and ensure the roof to be supported betimes. Key words:hydraulic pressure support; support upright four-link mechanism; push forward the conveyer. 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目 录 I 第一章 概述 1 第二章 总体设计 3 2.1 架型的选择 3 2.2 液压支架的支护性能与外载荷 3 2.3 液压支架基本参数的确定 4 2.3.1 支护强度和工作阻力 4 2.3.2 初撑力 5 2.3.3 支架的调高范围 5 2.3.4 底座宽度 5 2.3.5 采煤机、液压支架和输送机的配套 5 2.4 四连杆结构的设计 6 2.4.1 四连杆的作用 6 2.4.2 四连杆动作时应满足的条件 6 2.5 顶梁尺寸和覆盖率 8 2.5.1 顶梁间距的确定 8 2.5.2 顶梁长度的确定 8 2.5.3 顶梁的支护面积 10 2.5.4 支架顶梁对支护面积的覆盖率 10 2.6 支架的整体受力分析 10 2.6.1 受力分析计算



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