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成功的职场女性是怎样的?她们有什么诀窍?今天,小编就来为大家敲开这扇神秘的大门,看看我们的职场女强人有什么“心理资本”,练就一身武功,驰骋职场!The success of the women in the workplace is what? What is the secret? Today, Xiaobian to open this mystic door / for you, have a look we women have what psychological capital, he learned martial arts, a command!1、坚定不移的理想1, not to move or retreat of the ideal她们有非常明确的目的、肯定的目标,知道自己要什么,不会轻易被外人的看法动摇。她们意志坚强,对事情有主见。正因为她们决心坚定,最后才有丰收。这种人是标准的“虽千万人吾往矣”。They have a very clear objective, certain goal, know what they want, not easy to be an outsiders view shake. They / are strong willed, strong minded about. Because of their determination, finally have a harvest. This is a standard though thousands of people I toward.2、全神贯注做最重要的事2, be absorbed in to do the most important thing她们专注于自己的重要目标,不左顾右盼,不拖泥带水。她们做的是举足轻重的事,而且绝不拖到最后关头草草了事。她们不是瞎忙,而是忙得有价值。她们会把自己的才华、精力、知识运用得淋漓尽致。她们一心努力,是为了做好必须完成的工作,而不是只做她们喜欢做的事,或只交往喜欢的人。她们愿意不计心力,投注全付精神,让周围的人喜欢与自己打交道,与己方便以使自己完成任务。They concentrate on the important target, do not look right and left, dont do things sloppily. They do is play / a decisive role thing, and never wait till the last minute to get throught a thing carelessly. They are not, but busy has value. They will put his talent, energy, knowledge most incisive. They just want to, to do the work must be completed, not only do they like to do, or only associate love people. They would not mind, betting all pay spirit, let the people around like dealing with their own, and has convenient to complete the task.3、为自己的行动负责3, responsible for their own actions她们不找借口,不怪别人,不发牢骚,不吐苦水。They dont make excuses, dont blame others, do not complain, do not spit grievances.4、勇于做决定4, the courage to make a decision她们只针对重点思考,参酌相关事实,在适当的深思熟虑后,做出决定。而且绝不拖延,立刻就做!They only focus on facts, consider, in appropriate over in ones mind, make a decision. And never delay, right now!5、勇于认错5, the courage to admit要是犯了错,就勇敢承认,动手改进,继续往下做。不要找理由解释,否则只是浪费时间、精力、金钱和其他的宝贵资源。If you make a mistake, brave to admit, to improve, to continue down. Do not look for reasons, or ju


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