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考研翻译(90-0答案) (46) I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems. …as”(把……作为)是宾语和宾补倒装现象,宾语补足语前置。即本来是elect A as B结构,但由于A太长,最终变成了elect as B A这样一个结构,即elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life (B) the activity of thinking in a Socratic way about moral problems(A). 同样的结构2003年第65题也出现过,make something possible,变成make possible something (which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding)。 另外,本句中有几个词,翻译时省略也无妨,比如“an individual”和“activity”,所以句子也可以译为:我对“知识分子”的定义如下:以苏格拉底的方式来思考道德问题并以此作为人生主要任务和乐趣的人。 (47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. 知识分子的作用与法官类似,后者必须接受如下义务,即以尽可能浅显的方式揭示导致他做出某一决定的推理过程。 简要分析:结构方面,本句同样考到定语从句。主句部分相对容易,只有“analogous”算是个难词。但是有上下文“to that (function) of a judge”这本身就显示“his function”和“that of a judge”之间是某种类比关系。而此处的“analogous”正是“类似”的意思。 本句定语从句的主干就是“who must accept the obligation”,而“obligation”后面全部是修饰成分——整个定语从句是从句套从句的复杂结构,无法很好地融合在同一个修饰成分中,所以不妨采取后置法,通过重复先行词把本句定语从句译成:“后者(即法官—作者注)必须接受如下(这一)义务,即……”。 此外,这个定语从句对语言的运用能力要求更高,比如“in as obvious a manner as possible”是“reveal”(揭示)的“manner”(方式),因此,本结构亦可作“in a manner as obvious as possible”(以尽可能浅显的方式)。 “revealing”的宾语是“the course of reasoning which led him to this decision”,但中间插入了较长的方式状语“in as obvious a manner as possible”,,这与上题的宾语和宾补颠倒类似,同样属于语序问题中的倒装。 最后,which led him to this decision是一个简短的定语从句,可以作为一个修饰成分。因此我们不妨采用前置法,把该定语从句作为中心词的修饰语。 (48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems. 我把一般科学家排除在外了,这是因为,尽管他们的成就可能有助于解决道德问题,但他们只有义务研究这些问题的事实层面。 简要分析:结构方面,句子虽长,可是理解还是比较简单的。主要是主句加上一个本身带有让步状语从句的原因状语从句。在原因状语从句部分中,难点在于“he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of


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