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Even societies that do not permit private ownership of wealth to the degree that ours does are likely to recognize the personal rights of individuals to be free from certain kinds of conduct … 即使是那些对财产私有权的许可没有达到我们这种程度的社会,也会承认个人的人身权利不受某种行为的侵犯。 Infliction of physical injury Other interferences with freedom or dignity 给人造成身体伤害 其他对个人自由或尊严的侵犯 Ownership of property Include the right to use and consume the thing owned 所有权包括对属于自己的物品使用和耗费的权利 be more to the advantage of the owner to transfer the right of the ownership to some other person in exchange for something else of value 有时所有者以所有权与其他人交换有价值的东西可能更有利 Agreements for exchange are the means by which some resources are assembled and put to productive use. 交换的契约是将一些资源组合起来,使之得到有效利用的手段。 Some agreement for exchange call for the immediate and simultaneous exchange of money for goods and services. 有效交换契约要求现金与货物、服务的立即和同时交换。 Exchange of significant size 涉及到大额交易时 Both the planning and performance to be spread over a considerable period of time 交易的计划和履行都要经历相当长的时间。 The law of contracts Legal mechanism for protecting the expectations that arise from the making of agreements for the future exchange of various types of performance. 合同法是保护预期的法律机制,该预期产生于就未来交易各类履行而制定的契约。 Legal problems do not always fit neatly into the pigeonholes that legal theorists have created. 法律问题不可能总是与法理学家所创立的分类完全相符。 Frequently they raise issues involving more than one body of law. 法律问题往往涉及到不止一部法律。 The web of the law May not be quite seamless 法律之网可能并非结实无缝 They are not ironclad and unchanging 法律并非打不破和不可改变。 Judge-made law 法官定法 Rules distilled from a composite of court decisions in prior cases. 从以前案件的各种法官判决意见中抽取出来的规则 Judicial system of decision-making 司法决策体制 Stare decisis 遵从前例 adherence to past decisions (Precedents) A prior decision with facts sufficiently similar to the case “subjudice”, that the court feels obliged to follow it and to render a similar decision. 以前案例的事实与尚未判决的案件事实非常相似,法院认为有义务按照前例做出类似的判决。 从两个方面证明以判例法为主要依据的法律制度的合法性 1. Offers a high degree of predictabil


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