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Inner Canon of Huangdi《黄帝内经》分《灵枢》《素问》两部分,为古代医家托轩辕黄帝名之作,为医家、医学理论家联合创作,一般认为成书于春秋战国时期。HuangdiIt is the title of the legendary ancient emperor who named XuanYuan Shi. His surname is Gongsun.Because he was born in XuanYuan Hill, so it is called XuanYuan Shi . According to the legend, he was born to speak after dozens of days.When he was juvenile ,he thinks quickly, and he was honest and competent .When he becomes an adult,he is intelligent and persistent.His tribe live in the north-west of China near Water Ji. After ZhuLu War, he made a unification of the Zhong Yuan tribes. Yellow Emperor reigned for a long time, the national power and prosperity were excellent.It is divided into ‘Su Wen’and “Ling Shu the two parts. Su Wen focuses on the organs, meridians, etiology, pathogenesis, syndromes, diagnostic methods, treatment principles and acupuncture and other content. Ling Shu is the Su Wen inseparable companion, content with the same. In addition to discussion organs function, etiology, pathogenesis, but also focuses on the meridians and acupoints, needles, acupuncture and therapeutic principles. Inner Canon of Huangdi basic spirit and main contents include: the overall concept of yin and yang, Viscera Meridian, pathogenesis, diagnosis rule is to prevent health and Doctrine and so on. The whole concept of emphasize the human body itself and nature as a whole, while the body structure and the various parts are linked to each other. Yin and yang is used to explain the theory of the unity of opposites relationship between things. Viscera Meridian is the study of human organs, twelve meridians, kidneys and other physiological functions, pathological changes and the relationship as the main content. Pathogenesis describes the various risk factors on the human body as well as whether the incidence of disease and changes in the internal mechanism. Clinic rules are the basic principle of TCM understanding and treatment of disease. Preventive health systematically elaborated theo



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