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英文付款账户证明书 篇一:英文付款账户证明书 This is to confirm that the payment of the visit and intercourse of the 23 sdudents and teachers from xxx University to our University between Jan.11 and Jan.24,2008 has been cleared. Payment details is to be referred as below: 1, 250 Pounds per person, total 5,750 Pounds. 2, Receipt bank: Bank of China account number: xxxxxx篇二:英文付款账户证明书 委托收款证明英文位置:   委托收款证明英文委托收款证明英文2014-01-24 14:19《委托收款证明英文》证明书委托收款证明英文1. letter of delegation 代理委托收款委托书 2. per procuration 代理委托书凭委托书 : 3. “The “remitting Bank”which is the Bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection;” 托收行,即委托人委托办理托收的银行; 4. “Application for collection, Bank of China” 中国银行托收委托书 5. advice for collection of documentary bill 跟单汇票托收委托书 6. For taxable consumer goods sub-contracted for processing, the tax shall be collected and paid by the sub-contractor upon delivery to the contractor. 委托加工的应税消费品,由受托方在向委托方交货时代收代缴税款。 7. Article35 Where in an endorsement” by procuration” is written, the endorsee is entitled to exercise the mandated rights on the bill of exchange on the endorser”s behalf. 第三十五条背书记载“委托收款”字样的,被背书人有权代背书人行使被委托的汇票权利。 8. The account is now in the hand of our ~s for collection. 现在我公司正委托代理人去收这笔货款。 9. Research on the Agency Problem of Listed Companies: Evidence from Entrusted Investment 从委托理财收益率看上市公司委托代理问题 10. rogatory letters 调查调查委托书,代询证人委托书 11. authorization to purchase A/P 采购委托书,委托购买 12. “For the purposes of these Articles the “parties thereto”are the “principal”who is the party entrusting the handling of a collection to a Bank.” 就本规则各项条款而言,托收当事人有委托人,即委托银行办理托收的当事人; 13. Note: In the case of agent purchasing power of attorney of the applicant is needed. 注:如代理人购买,须附申请人的委托书. 14. One who acts as a deputy or a proxy. 代理做代理或委托的人 15. exact payment from a client 逼迫 委托人 付款 16. Where a holder authorizes a bank to receive payment on his behalf, the bill is deemed as receipted when the authorized bank credits the collected sum to the holder”s account. 持票人委托银行收款的,受委托的银行将


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