Unit 2 warming up speaking.pptVIP

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You can use the following expressions. What do you think of…? What’s your opinion? Why do you choose…? Perhaps… is more important. I would rather choose… I don’t think we should choose… Maybe it would be better to choose… Our readers want to know about… * Warming up and speaking How do you know what happen around us or even what happens abroad? What is the function of media? The record-keeping function. The social function. The entertainment function. The political watchdog function. The economic function. Match the five main functions with their correct explanations. Journalists are responsible for monitoring the activities of the government. Not everything in life is serious. We want something entertaining. We want sound advice. We want our MTV. Newspapers and broadcast news provide us with topics to talk about at the office and over coffee. Advertising carried in the media helps to develop the economy and provide us with information about new products and services. Through the records kept by the news media, we know who is born, gets married, gets divorced, dies, who won the game, etc. The record-keeping function. The economic function. The social function. The entertainment function. The political watchdog function. Internet Newspapers Magazines Radio TV disadvantages advantages Forms cheap,quick, with pictures and sounds Make people lazy. They absorb everything without thinking. Too many ads Quick, convenient Without pictures,not so lively Systematic information Slow, not so popular Much information, quick Not easy to keep,not so lively , too many ads Update, much information, quick,you can comment on the affairs immediately if you want. Not so reliable. Not so convenient Not lively Compare different kinds of media. 华网雅典8月29日体育专电第二十八届奥运会29日在雅典闭幕后,中国体育代表团所获奖牌分布如下:   项目金牌银牌铜牌小计   跳水6217   举重5308   射击4239   乒乓球3126   羽毛球3115   田径2002   跆拳道2002   游泳1102   皮划艇1001   体操1023   柔道1135   排球1001   网球1001   摔跤1001   击剑0303   射箭0101   自行车0101   帆船0101   拳击0011  


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