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安徽建筑大学 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 10电气1班 学生姓名 白 小 波 学 号 10210020137 课 题 某综合楼防雷接地设计 指导教师 刘 国 林 2014 年 6月 10日 摘要 本文以某综合楼为研究对象,本楼共12层,总面积约为17656㎡。其前3层作为商业用途,第四层为仓库,五层以上作为办公用途。结合高层综合楼电气设计方案,对高层综合楼的照明、供配电和防雷接地系统设计的具体内容进行了详细的论述,其中包括灯具的选择与布置,系统导线的选择,开关和插座的布置,防雷措施的设计和接地种类的选择。 在照明系统设计中,根据不同房间的功能和特点,选择最佳的照明光源,根据国家规范的照度要求,运用利用系数法进行照度计算,然后确定灯具的数目和布置方案。根据不同房间的功能,相应的布置开关和插座。防雷接地设计根据防雷规范对建筑物防雷类别的划分,结合高层综合楼的性质确定建筑的防雷等级并设置相应的防雷接闪措施,选择安全可靠的接地种类。 关键词: 综合楼,电气设计,照明,防雷,接地。 Abstract This research based on multiple-use building as the research object,this building has a total of 12 floors with a total area of approximately 17,656 square meters. Its former three layers for commercial purposes, the fourth layer is the warehouse, five above as office use. Combined with high-rise complex building electrical design, high-rise complex building lighting for specific content distribution and lightning protection and grounding system design were discussed in detail, including the selection and arrangement of lighting system selection wire, switches and sockets layout, design and grounding lightning protection measures of the kind of choice. In lighting system design, according to different functions and features of the room, select the best lighting source, according to the requirements of the national standard of illuminance, Using coefficient method of illuminance calculation, determine the number of lamps and lanterns and lamps and lanterns decorate plan。According to the data distribution scheme and system environment and cooperating with the engineering characteristics to choose power supply and distribution network cable types, installation methods, number and cross-sectiona



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