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Study on Transformation Path and 本文在参考有关资源型城市转型 理论和国外成 Mode of Resourcebased Cities in 功案例 基础上, 运用数据分析手段, 针对中国资源型城 China 市 特征和问题进行了数量分析, 针对城市 不同发展阶 段提出不同 转型路径选择, 并进一步结合具体案例, 分 ZHANG Wenzhong, YU Jianhui, WANG Dai ( Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural 析了在不同资源类别城市 发展特点下对产业生态城 esources esearch, Chinese Academy of Sci ences, Beijing 100101, China) 市民生四大转型要素进行 有成效 转型措施和过程, 最后提出了确保转型 政策支撑建议 Abstract In reference to the theory of 资源型城市; 转型; 路径 resourcebased citys transformation and successful overseas cases, this paper firstly analyzes resourcebased cities characteristics and problems by means of data analysis, then puts forward different 1 transition paths according to different stages of urban development, and analy ( resourcebased city) ses according to the development features of different resource cities the restructu , ring measures and processes for the four transformational elements which are in , dustry, ecology, urban structure and (mining town) (industrial and min peoples livelihood In the end the paper proposes the policy supports to ensure ing town) , the transformation , Keywords resourcebased city; transfor mation; path , , , , , , ( 1997) 1990 21 张文忠余建辉王岱, 中国科学院地理科学 与资源研究所 47 , 68 ; ( 2002) 41 63 ; (2003) 118 , 60 , 3 38 ,


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