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汉译英经典错误分析 1.他们省吃俭用,为的是为国家多积累资金 They save food and expenses to accumulate more funds for the country’ They cut down on food and expenses They lived frugally to accumulate more funds for the state. 2.他是世界上公认的最伟大的政治家 He is everybody’s choice as the world’s greatest statesman. Seek truth from fact He is generally acknowledged as the world’s greatest statesman Acknowledgement 3,必须清除政府中的贪污腐化现象 We must clear away the phenomena of graft and corruption in the government. Medium media datum data The administration must be cleansed of graft and corruption. 4.中国人民一定能胜利。 The Chinese people will surely win. They are great not because they wished to, but because they willed to. 5.他告诉他父亲,他第二天该起得早 He told his father that he should get up earlier the next morning.(指代不明) He told his father:“I shall get up earlier tomorrow.” 6。我国的艰巨的社会主义建设事业,需要尽可能多的知识分子为它服务 The colossal cause of our country’s socialist construction needs as many intellectuals as possible to serve it. 译文的主要问题是主语没有用对,如果译文不能使主语和谓语动词相互搭配,那就应该改变主语或改变谓语动词,千万不要直线硬译 China(our country)China’s minerals are rich. (语法正确,表达不地道) China is rich/abundant in minerals. 8。由于失业率增高,美元币值下降,股票市场处于困境之中,经济问题将是总统所面临的最严峻的考验 With unemployment rate high, the dollar value low (depreciation) and the stock market in distress, the economy problem will be the president’s sternest trail. 英语中很少用范围词,所以译文中的”rate”,value, problem 都应该去掉。 9。即使商品质量好,也不能漫天要价 Even quality goods must have a price limit. (ceiling) He is a greedy overcharger. Rip-off 物价,工资的最高限额,飞机的上升限度等一般用ceiling来表示,而limit则可以表示纵向,横向,平面,立体的范围(包括抽象概念) 10,我们把狄更斯的成功归功于他高尚的情操 We owe Dickens’s success to his noble feelings. Owe…to….he owes his success to his mother 上面的中文句子应该译为 attribute to “认为。。。。是来自于。。。归因于 We attribute Dickens’s success to his noble feelings. 11.最近的人口统计显示中国人口已超过十亿 The latest census show that China’s population has surpassed one billion. surpass一般用于超过别人的成绩,速度等,exceed则单纯指在数字,程度方面超过,the latest census shows that China’s population exceeds one billion 12.中国是个文明古国,幅员辽阔,面积达到960万平方公里 China is


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