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航空意外险感知风险与购买意愿关系研究 摘要:航空意外险是一种非强制,销售于的购买意愿,而购买意愿。本文在研究基础上,时间风险、功能风险、财务风险、社会风险四个维度感知风险与购买意愿提出相关建议。ualitative Study of Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention in Aviation Accident Insurance Abstract: Aviation accident insurance is a kind of non-compulsory insurance products, whose sales depends on customers purchase intention. The latter is related to customer perceived risk. In accordance with the literature review, this paper makes the perceived risk and purchase intention analysis model, in which time risk, function risk, finance risk and social risk are taken as perceived risk variables, whereas customer awareness of insurance products as regulating variable. Supported by data analysis of the survey, the paper offers some suggestions about the development of aviation accident insurance products. The research has contributed some interesting findings. In terms of customer’s purchase intention, the findings firstly shows that it has significant negative correlation with time risk, function risk, and finance risk; whereas the social risk has no significant correlation with customers purchase intention. Secondly, the customers who have fully perceived the insurance products are highly motivated to buy aviation accident insurance; the average customers are opposite. Therefore the first group has positive correlations with their purchase intention; the second group has no correlation with their purchase intention. Last but not least, as far as function risk is concerned, the degree of customers’ involvements only plays the role of adjust. There is positive correlation between customers’ perception of risk and their aviation accident insurance purchase intention. Key Words: Aviation Accident Insurance; Perceived Risk; Purchase Intention 一、引言 近年来,我国的经济快速发展,城乡居民的生活水平不断提高,居民的出行变得越来越频繁。根据国家统计局数据显示我国客运量从2000年的147.8亿人提高到2009年的297.7亿人,增加了101.42%。其中,铁路客运量从2000年的10.5亿人提高到2009年15.2亿人,增加了44.76%;公路客运量从2000年的134.7亿人提高到277.9亿人,增加106.31%;水路客运量从2000年的1.9亿人提高到2009年2.2亿人,增加了15.79%;民


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