Hollywood Demons 改.ppt

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Hollywood Demons 改.ppt

Hollywood Ⅰ. Brief Introduction A district in Los Angeles, California Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars, the word “Hollywood” is often used as a metonym(换喻词) of cinema of the US. 1. The Hollywood Walk of Fame (好莱坞星光大道) created in 1958 placed in 1960 as a tribute(称赞) to artists working in the entertainment industry based on career and lifetime achievements in motion pictures, live theatre, etc., as well as their charitable and civic(市政的;城市的;公民的) contributions 2. The Hollywood Wax Museum (好莱坞蜡像博物馆) located in the heart of the tourist district of Hollywood. opened in 1965 the only wax museum dedicated solely to celebrities some 180 wax figures of media stars, fictional characters, and famous politicians, and a traditional Chamber of Horrors, featuring movie monsters and scenes of torture 4. The Kodak Theatre(柯达剧院) opened in 2001 on Hollywood Boulevard(大街) at Highland Avenue becoming the new home of the Oscars SIX MAJOR AMERICAN FILM STUDIOS Columbia Pictures 20th Century Fox Walt Disney Pictures/Touchstone Pictures Warner Bros. Pictures Paramount Pictures Universal Pictures Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (CPII) 哥伦比亚影业公司 迪斯尼影业公司 试金石影片公司 Warner Bros. Pictures 华纳兄弟电影公司 one of the worlds largest producers of film and television entertainment a subsidiary of Time Warner founded in 1918 Feature Films:Batman, Harry Potter, The Matrix(《骇客帝国》), Million Dollar Baby, Valentine‘s Day, Inception(《盗梦空间》) Paramount Pictures 派拉蒙影业公司 also a major global American motion picture production and distribution company founded in 1912, the oldest running movie studio Feature Films:Roman Holiday, Godfather, Raiders of the Lost Ark(《夺宝奇兵》), Brokeback Mountain, Mission: Impossible(《碟中谍》), Tomb Raider(《古墓丽影》), Transformers(《变形金刚》) Universal Studios 环球影片公司 a subsidiary of NBC Universal, a major American motion picture company the second longest-lived studio in Hollywood excelling in shooting l


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