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全套设计CAD或三维图,联系QQ 695132052 各专业都有 摘要 HBT100 混凝土输送泵是一种将达到泵送条件的混凝土通过水平或垂直铺设的管道连续的输送到建筑施工现场的混凝土输送机械。它被广泛的应用于城建、矿山、电力、能源、交通及其他部门的混凝土建筑工程中。 本文主要是对HBT100混凝土输送泵的推送机构部分进行设计,推送机构是泵送混凝土的灵魂组件,其部件有主油缸、水箱和混凝土缸。在主油缸的设计中,本文进行了主油缸内径、外径、行程的计算和活塞、法兰盘、缓冲装置和导向装置的计算选定;水箱的设计过程主要进行了水箱的长、宽、高、容积的计算,主油缸与水箱、混凝土缸与水箱连接位置的确定,接近开关的选择,混凝土缸的设计中进行了混凝土缸内径、外径、缸长的计算,混凝土活塞与连接杆的选定。 关键词 混凝土输送泵; 液压缸; 活塞; 水箱; 混凝土缸 Abstract The HBT100 concrete delivery pump will be one kind conforms to the transportation condition concrete the pipeline which or vertical will lay down through the level continuously to transport to the construction job location concrete transportation machinery。It widely is applied to the urban construction,the mine,the electric power,the energy,the transportation and in other departments concrete building projects。This paper is mainly to HBT100 concrete delivery pump push mechanism part design, pushing mechanism is the soul of concrete pump assembly, which is composed of a main Hydraulic cylinder, a water tank and a concrete cylinder. On the main cylinder design, I had a master cylinder diameter, outside diameter, distance calculation and piston, flange, buffer device and a guiding device for calculation of selected; tank design process for the main water tank is long, wide, high, volume calculation, a main Hydraulic cylinder and a water tank, and the water tank of concrete cylinder determining connection position, close to switch selection, concrete cylinder design of the concrete cylinder diameter, diameter, length calculation of cylinder, piston and connecting rod selected concrete. Keyword: Concrete delivery pump ; Hydraulic cylinder ;piston Water tank; Concrete cylinder 目录 摘要 1 目录 3 1、绪论 5 1.1混凝土泵简介 5 1.1.1国内泵送混凝土技术的发展 5 1.2泵送混凝土技术的特点 6 1.2.1施工效率很高 6 1.3 设计目的 7 1.3.1设计课题 7 1.3.2 设计大纲 7 a) 设计原则 7 b) 主要设计参数 7 1.3.3设计内容 7 a) 推送机构的总体设计 7 b) 零部件的设计 8 c) 水箱的设计 8 d) 混凝土缸及卡箍的设计 8 2设计概述及方案论证 9 2.1混凝土泵的基本结构和工作原理 9 2.1.1、液压活塞式混凝土泵 9 2.1.2液压式混凝土泵的基本组成 9


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