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Unit 12 9、chassis n.(车辆的)底盘;(飞机的)机架;(无线电的)机壳,底架 chassis assembly 整底盘 chassis base 底板 chassis hight 底盘高度 10、uneven adj.不平坦的;不平滑的;不规则的 The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk. 这人行道凹凸不平——走路时请小心。 不一致的;不相等的;有差异的 Her works have been rather uneven this year. 她今年的作品相当参差不齐。 (竞争等)不对等的;不稳定的;易变化的;不平行的;不对称的;<数>奇数的 Unit 12 11、splined 花[多]键的 12、stub n.残端, 铅笔头, 烟蒂 I can’t write with this pencil stub. 我无法用这根铅笔头写字。 票根, 存根 Keep your ticket stubs. 把票根留着。 vt.使(脚趾)碰到某物;(在硬物上)碾灭(烟头) 13、steering n.(汽车等的)转向装置 Unit 12 14、swivel n.转节, 转环;旋轴;旋转接头 She returned to the swivel chair behind her desk. 她回到桌子后面的转椅上。 vt. & vi.(使)旋转;在枢轴上转动 swivel around/round (把身子或脸等)转向另一方 He swivelled around to look at her. 他猛地转过头去看她。 She swivelled round to look out of the window. 她转过身去望窗外。 (使)转动,旋转 She swivelled the chair around to face them. 她把椅子转过来面向他们。 Unit 12 15、extremity n.端点,尽头 cardinal extremity 主端, 基端 at the extremity of 在...的尖端 Man’s extremity is God’s opportunitiy. 车到山前必有路。 手和足;极窘迫的境地,绝境 How can we help them in their extremity? 我们怎样帮助他们摆脱困境呢? in an extremity of pain 在极端痛苦中 Unit 12 16、combustion n.燃烧, 烧毁 Soot is the product of the imperfect combustion of fuel. 煤烟是燃料不完全燃烧的产物。 17、tubular adj.管的;管子形的 The whole thing fits into a tubular box. 整个东西可装入一支管状盒内。 管子做成的;有管的;<医>管性的 Unit 12 18、flex n.花线,皮线 a flex for an electric iron 电熨斗的花线 Side cutters are useful for cutting electrical flex to length. 切边钳适用于剪切电线。 vt.屈曲,弯曲 Unit 12 19、bumpy adj.崎岖的;不平的;颠簸的 The wide paved road degenerated into a narrow bumpy track. 铺好的宽阔道路渐渐变窄,成了一条崎岖不平的小径。 Upon my word,the road’s pretty bumpy just here. 哎呀,这儿的路真不平。 It was a bumpy ride along the farm track. 去农场的小路颠簸不平。 困难重重的 I think we’ve a bumpy road ahead of us. 我觉得我们将要面临一段困难时期。 give sb/have a bumpy ride (使) 处境艰难 The business has had a bumpy ride over the last twelve months, but profits are growing again now. 公司在过去十二个月里举步维艰,不过现在利润又开始增长了。 Unit 12 20、drum n.鼓, 鼓状物 This music would sound more ethnic if you


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