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中国危重病急救医学2007 年2 月第 19 卷第2 期  , 2007, . 19, 2 Ch in C rit Care M ed February V o l N o ·65 · ·标准与指南· ( ) 机械通气临床应用指南 2006 中华医学会重症医学分会 Practical guidelines for m echan ical ven tilation (2006)  S ociety of C ritical Care M ed icine , Ch inese M ed ical A ssociation : ( , , Corresp ond ing au thors Q IN Y ing z h i D ep artm ent of Intensive Care U nit the T h ird Central H osp ital 210009 , . : @ . . ) ( T ianj in Ch ina Em ail y z hqin y ahoo com cn and L IU D a w ei D ep artm ent of C ritical Care M ed icine , P ek ing U nion M ed ical Colleg e H osp ital , Ch inese M ed ical S cience A cad em y , B eij ing 100730, . : @ . . @ . ) Ch ina Em ail dw liu m edm ail com cn or dw liu p um ch cn 【 】  Abstract W ith the expanding understanding of basic know ledge concerning resp irato ry function and techno logy of resp irato r, m echanical ventilation has becom e an impo rtant interventional arm am entarium to imp rove gas exchange and decrease resp irato ry w o rk. It is one of the impo rtant m eans to enhance oxygen , , . delivery p ro tect the lung and resto re hom eo stasis in the treatm ent of m ultip le o rgan dysfunction syndrom e T he p rogression in m edical sciences and increasing data pertaining to evidence - based m edicine have also render the use of m echanical v


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